- Nishimura A, Yoon S, Matsunaga T, Ida T, Jung M, Ogata S, Morita M, Yoshitake
J, Unno Y, Barayeu U, Takata T, Takagi H, Motohashi H, van der Vliet A,
Akaike T. Longevity control by supersulfide-mediated mitochondrial respiration
and regulation of protein quality. Redox Biol 69, 103018, 2024.
- Hayasaka K, Takeda H, Sakurada A, Matsumura Y, Abe J, Shiono S, Notsuda H, Suzuki H, Endo M, Motohashi H, Okada Y. Clinical, Genomic, and Transcriptomic Featurses of Lung Adenocarcinoma With Uncommon EGFR Mutation. Clin Lung Cancer (1), e43-e51, 2024.
- Hayasaka K, Ohkouchi S, Saito-Koyama R, Suzuki Y, Okazaki K, Sekine H, Watanabe T, Motohashi H*, Okada Y*. Aging exacerbates murine lung ischemia-reperfusion injury by excessive inflammation and impaired tissue repair response. Am J Transplant, S1600-6135(23)00692-5, 2023. (*co-correspondence)
- Kasamatsu S, Nishimura A, Alam MM, Morita M, Shimoda K, Matsunaga T, Jung M, Ogata S, Barayeu U, Ida T, Nishida M, Nishimura A, Motohashi H*, Akaike T*. Supersulfide catalysis for nitric oxide and aldehyde metabolism. Sci Adv. 9(33), 2023. (*co-correspondence)
- Takeda H, Murakami S, Liu Z, Sawa T, Takahashi M, Izumi Y, Bamba T, Sato H, Akaike T, Sekine H, Motohashi H*. Sulfur metabolic response in macrophage limits excessive inflammatory response by creating a negative feedback loop. Redox Biol 65, 102834, 2023.
- Matsunaga T, Sano H, Takita K, Morita M, Yamanaka S, Ichikawa T, Numakura A, Tamada T, Toyama A, Nakabayashi T, Kageyama L, Kyuwa S, Inaba K, Watanabe S, Nagy P, Sawa T, Oshiumi H, Ichinose M, Yamada M, Sugiura H, Wei FY, Motohashi H*, Akaike T*. Supersulphides provide airway protection in viral and chronic lung diseases. Nat Commun 14(1), 4476, 2023. (*co-correspondence)
- Ikeda R, Noshiro D, Morishita H, Takada S, Kageyama S, Fujioka Y, Funakoshi T, Komatsu-Hirota S, Arai R, Ryzhii E, Abe M, Koga T, Motohashi H, Nakao M, Sakimura K, Horii A, Waguri S, Ichimura Y, Noda NN, Komatsu M. Phosphorylation of phase-separated p62 bodies by ULK1 activates a redox-independent stress response. EMBO J. 42(14), e113349, 2023.
- Zainol Abidin QH, Ida T, Morita M, Matsunaga T, Nishimura A, Jung M, Hassan N, Takata T, Ishii I, Kruger W, Wang R, Motohashi H, Tsutsui M, Akaike T. Synthesis of Sulfides and Persulfides Is Not Impeded by Disruption of Three Canonical Enzymes in Sulfur Metabolism. Antioxidants (Basel) 12(4), 868, 2023.
- Takeda H, Nakajima Y, Yamaguchi T, Watanabe I, Miyoshi S, Nagashio K, Sekine H, Motohashi H, Yano H, Tanaka J. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effect of a classical hypnotic bromovalerylurea mediated by the activation of NRF2. J Biochemmvad 030, 2023.
- Alam MM, Kishino A, Sung E, Sekine H, Abe T, Murakami S, Akaike T, Motohashi H. Contribution of NRF2 to Sulfur Metabolism and Mitochondrial Activity. Redox Biol 60, 102624, 2023.
- Sengoku T, Shiina M, Suzuki K, Hamada K, Sato K, Uchiyama A, Kobayashi S, Oguni A, Itaya H, Kasahara K, Moriwaki H, Watanabe C, Honma T, Okada C, Baba S, Ohta T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Ogata K. Structural basis of transcription regulation by CNC family transcription factor, Nrf2. Nucleic Acids Res 50, 12543-12557, 2022.
- Kitamura H, Oishi T, Murakami S, Yamada-Kato T, Okunishi I, Yamamoto M, Katori Y, Motohashi H. Establishment of Neh2-Cre:tdTomato Reporter Mouse for Monitoring the Exposure History to Electorphilic Stress. Free Radical Biol Med 193, 610-619, 2022.
- Patel SD, Anand D, Motohashi H, Katsuoka F, Yamamoto M, Lachke SA. Deficiency of the bZIP transcription factors Mafg and Mafk causes misexpression of genes in distinct pathways and results in lens embryonic developmental defects. Front Cell Dev Biol. 10: 981893, 2022.
- Zhao M, Murakami S, Matsumaru D, Kawauchi T, Nabeshima Y, Motohashi H. NRF2 Pathway Activation Attenuates Aging-Related Renal Phenotypes due to a-Klotho Deficiency. J Biochem 171(5), 579-589, 2022.
- Okazaki K, Anzawa H, Katsuoka F, Kinoshita K, Sekine H, Motohashi H. CEBPB is Required for NRF2-Mediated Drug Resistance in NRF2-Activated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. J Biochem 171(5), 567-578, 2022.
- Onoki T, Izumi Y, Takahashi M, Murakami S, Matsumaru D, Ohta N, Wati SM, Hatanaka N, Katsuoka F, Okutsu M, Yabe Y, Hagiwara Y, Kanzaki M, Bamba T, Itoi E, Motohashi H. Skeletal muscle-specific Keap1 disruption modulates fatty acid utilization and enhances exercise capacity in female mice. Redox Biol, 101966, 2021.
- Kasamatsu S, Ida T, Koga T, Asada K, Motohashi H, Ihara H, Akaike T. High Precision Sulfur Metabolomics Innovated by a New Specific Probe for Trapping Reactive Sulfur Species. Antioxid Redox Signal 34:1407-1419, 2021.
- Marutani E, Morita M, Hirai S, Kai S, Grange RMH, Miyazaki Y, Nagashima F, Traeger L, Magliocca A, Ida T, Matsunaga T, Flicker DR, Corman B, Mori N, Yamazaki Y, Batten A, Li R, Tanaka T, Ikeda T, Nakagawa A, Atochin DN,Ihara H, Olenchock BA, Shen X, Nishida M, Hanaoka K, Kevil CG, Xian M, Bloch DB, Akaike T, Hindle AG, Motohashi H, Ichinose F. Sulfide catabolism ameliorates hypoxic brain injury. Nat Commun 12(1), 3108, 2021.
- Kageyama S, Gudmundsson SR, Sou YS, Ichimura Y, Tamura N, Kazuno S, Ueno T, Miura Y, Noshiro D, Abe M, Mizushima T, Miura N, Okuda S, Motohashi H, Lee JA, Sakimura K, Ohe T, Noda NN, Waguri S, Eskelinen EL, Komatsu M. p62/SQSTM1-droplet serves as a platform for autophagosome formation and anti-oxidative stress response. Nat Commun 12(1), 16, 2021.
- Oishi T, Matsumaru D, Ota N, Kitamura H, Zhang T, Honkura Y, Katori Y, Motohashi H*. Activation of the NRF2 pathway in Keap1-knockdown mice attenuates progression of age-related hearing loss. NPJ Aging Mech Dis 6, 14, 2020.
- Okazaki K, Anzawa H, Liu Z, Ota N, Kitamura H, Onodera Y, Alam MM, Matsumaru D, Suzuki T, Katsuoka F, Tadaka S, Motoike I, Watanabe M, Hayasaka K, Sakurada A, Okada Y, Yamamoto M, Suzuki T, Kinoshita K, Sekine H*, Motohashi H*. Enhancer remodelig promotes tumor-initiating activity in NRF2-activated non-small cell lung cancers. Nat Commun 11, 5911, 2020.
- Suzuki T, Uruno A, Yumoto A, Taguchi K, Suzuki M, Harada N, Ryoke R, Naganuma E, Osanai N, Goto A, Suda H, Browne R, Otsuki A, Katsuoka F, Zorzi M, Yamazaki T, Saigusa D, Koshiba S, Nakamura T, Fukumoto S, Ikehata H, Nishikawa K, Suzuki N, Hirano I, Shimizu R, Oishi T, Motohashi H, Tsubouchi H, Okada R, Kudo T, Shimomura M, Kensler TW, Mizuno H, Shirakawa M, Takahashi S, Shiba D, Yamamoto M*. Nrf2 contributes to the weight gain of mice during space travel. Commun Biol 3, 496, 2020.
- Hayashi M, Kuga A, Suzuki M, Panda Harit, Kitamura H, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M*. Microenvironmental activation of Nrf2 restricts the progression of Nrf2-atcivated malignant tumors. Cancer Res 80, 3331-3344, 2020.
- Wati SM, Matsumaru D, Motohashi H*. NRF2 pathway activation by KEAP1 inhibition attenuates the manifestation of aging phenotypes in salivary glands. Redox Biol 36, 101603, 2020.
- Saigusa D, Motoike U, Saito S, Zorzi M, Aoki Y, Kitamura H, Suzuki M, Katsuoka F, Ishii H, Kinoshita K, Motohashi H, Yamaoto M. Impacts of NRF2 Activation in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines on Extracellular Metabolites. Cancer Sci 111(2), 667-678, 2020.
- Nishimura A, Nasuno R, Yoshikawa Y, Jung M, Ida T, Matsunaga T, Morita M, Takagi H, Motohashi H, Akaike T. Mitochondrial cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase is expressed via alternative transcriptional initiation regulated by energy metabolism in yeast cells. J Biol Chem, pii:jbc.RA119.009203, 2019.
- Sato K, Hirano I, Sekine H, Miyauchi K, Nakai T, Kato K, Ito S, Yamamoto M, Suzuki N. An immortalized cell line derived from renal erythropoietin-producing (REP) cells demonstrates their potential to transform into myofibroblasts. Sci Rep 9(1), 11254, 2019.
- Saito T, Kuma A, Sugiura Y, Ichimura Y, Obata M, Kitamura H, Okuda S, Lee HC, Ikeda K, Kanegae Y, Saito I, Auwerx J, Motohashi H, Suematsu M, Soga T, Yokomizo T, Waguri S, Mizushima N, Komatsu M. Autophagy regulates lipid metabolism through selective turnover of NCoR1. Nat Commun 10(1), 1567, 2019.
- Nagashima R, Kosai H, Masuo M, Izumiyama K, Noshikawaji T, Morimoto M, Kumaki S, Miyazaki Y, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Tanaka N. Nrf2 Suppresses Allergic Lung Inflammation by Attenuating the Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Response. J Immunol 202(5), 1331-1339, 2019.
- Hamid HA, Tanaka A, Ida T, Nishimura A, Matsunaga T, Fujii S, Morita M, Sawa T, Fukuto JM, Nagy P, Tsutsumi R, Motohashi H, Ihara H, Akaike T. Polysulfide stabilization by tyrosine and hydroxyphenyl-containing derivatives that is important for a reactive sulfur metabolomics analysis. Redox Biol 21, 101096, 2019.
- Dodo M, Kitamura H, Shima H, Saigusa D, Wati SM, Ota N, Katsuoka F, Chiba H, Okae H, Arima T, Igarashi K, Koseki T, Sekine H, Motohashi H. Lactate dehydrogenase C is required for the protein expression of a sperm-specific isform of lactate dehydrogenase A. J Biochem 165 (4), 323-334, 2019.
- Inouye S, Hatori Y, Kubo T, Saito S, Kitamura H, Akagi R. NRF2 and HSF1 coordinately regulate heme oxygenase-1 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 506, 7-11, 2018.
- Kanamoto M, Tsuchiya Y, Nakao Y, Suzuki T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Kamata H. Structural instability of IκB kinase β promotes autophagic degradation through enhancement of Keap1 binding. Plos One. 13 (11), e0203978,. 2018.
- Sekine H, Keito O, Kato K, Alam MM, Shima H, Katsuoka F, Tsujita T, Suzuki N, Kobayashi A, Igarashi K, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H. O-GlcNAcylation signal mediates proteasome inhibitor resistance in cancer cells by stabilizing NRF1. Mol Cell Biol 38, e00252-18, 2018.
- Yoshida E, Suzuki T, Morita M, Taguchi K, Tsuchida K, Motohashi H, Doita M, Yamamoto M. Hyperactivation of Nrf2 leads to hypoplasia of bone in vivo. Genes Cells 23(5), 386-392, 2018.
- Morita M, Sato T, Nomura M, Sakamoto Y, Inoue Y, Tanaka R, Ito S, Kurosawa K, Yamaguchi K, Sugiura Y, Takizaki H, Yamashita Y, Katakura R, Sato I,Kawai M, Okada Y, Watanabe H, Kondoh G, Matsumoto S, Kishimoto A, Obata M, Matsumoto M, Fukuhara T, Motohashi H, Suematsu M, Komatsu M, Nakayama K, Wanatabe T, Soga T, Shima H, Maemondo M, Tanuma N. PKM1 confers metabolicadvantages and promotes cell-autonomous tumor cell growth. Cancer Cell 33, 355-367, 2018.
- Murakami S, Suzuki T, Yokoyama W, Yagi S, Matsumura K, Nakajima Y, Harigae H, Fukamizu A, Motohashi H. Nucleomethylin deficiency impairs embryonic erythropoiesis. J Biochem 163, 413-423, 2018.
- Akaike T, Ida T, Wei FY, Nishida M, Kumagai Y, Alam MM, Ihara H, Sawa T, Matsunaga T, Kasamatsu S, Nishimura A, Morita M, Tomizawa K, Nishimura A, Watanabe S, Inaba K, Shima H, Tanuma N, Jung M, Fujii S, Watanabe Y, Ohmuraya M, Nagy P, Feelisch M, Fukuto JM, Motohashi H. Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase governs cysteine polysulfidation and mitochondrial bioenergetics. Nat Commun 8, 1177, 2017.
- Shimizu T, Uchida C, Shimizu R, Motohashi H, Uchida T. Prolyl isomerase Pin1 promotes proplatelet formation of megakaryocytes via tau. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 493, 946-951, 2017.
- Rodrigues-Moreira S, Moreno SG, Ghinatti G, Lewandowski D, Hoffschir F, Ferri F, Gallouet A-S, Gay D, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Joiner MC, Gault N, Romeo P-H. Low-dose irradiation promotes persistent oxidative stress and decreases self-renewal in hematopoietic stem cells. Cell Rep 20, 3199-3211, 2017.
- Murakami S, Suzuki T, Harigae H, Romeo PH, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H. NRF2 activation impairs quiescence and bone marrow reconstitution capacity of hematopoietic stem cells. Mol Cell Biol 37(19), pii: e00086-17, 2017.
- Kitamura H, Onodera Y, Murakami S, Suzuki T, Motohashi H. IL-11 contribution to tumorigenesis in an NRF2 addiction cancer model. Oncogene 36, 6315-6324, 2017.
- Suzuki T, Murakami S, Biswal SS, Sakaguchi S, Harigae H, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H. Systemic activation of NRF2 alleviates lethal autoimmune inflammation in Scurfy mice. Mol Cell Biol 37(15), pii: e00063-17, 2017.
- Nezu M, Souma T, Yu L, Sekine H, Takahashi N, Wei AZ, Ito S, Fukamizu A, Zsengeller ZK, Nakamura T, Hozawa A, Karumanchi SA, Suzuki N, Yamamoto M. Nrf2 inactivation enhances placental angiogenesis in a preeclampsia mouse model and improves maternal and fetal outcomes. Sci Signal. 10(479), pii: eaam5711, 2017.
- Hirano I, Suzuki N, Yamazaki S, Sekine H, Minegishi N, Shimizu R, Yamamoto M. Renal Anemia Model Mouse Established by Transgenic Rescue with an Erythropoietin Gene Lacking Kidney-Specific Regulatory Elements. Mol Cell Biol. 37(4), pii: e00451-16, 2017.
- Alam MM, Okazaki K, Nguyen LTT, Ota N, Kitamura H, Murakami S, Shima H, Igarashi K, Sekine H, Motohashi H. Glucocorticoid receptor signaling represses the antioxidant response by inhibiting histone acetylation mediated by the transcriptional activator NRF2. J Biol Chem 292(18), 7519-7530, 2017.
- Jung M, Kasamatsu S, Matsunaga T, Akashi S, Ono K, Nishimura A, Morita M, Abdul Hamid H, Fujii S, Kitamura H, Sawa T, Ida T, Motohashi H, Akaike T. Protein polysulfidation-dependent persulfide dioxygenase activity of ethylmalonic encephalopathy protein 1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 480,180-186, 2016.
- Irokawa H, Tachibana T, Watanabe T, Matsuyama Y, Motohashi H, Ogasawara A, Iwai K, Naganuma A, Kuge S. Redox-dependent Regulation of Gluconeogenesis by a Novel Mechanism Mediated by a Peroxidatic Cysteine of Peroxiredoxin. Sci Rep 6, 33536, 2016.
- Saigusa D, Okamura Y, Motoike IN, Katoh Y, Kurosawa Y, Saijyo R, Koshiba S, Yasuda J, Motohashi H, Sugawara J, Tanabe O, Kinoshita K, Yamamoto M. Establishment of Protocols for Global Metabolomics by LC-MS for Biomarker Discovery. PLoS One 11, e0160555, 2016.
- Koshiba S*, Motoike I, Kojima K, Hasegawa T, Shirota M, Saito T, Saigusa D, Danjoh I, Katsuoka F, Ogishima S, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Sakurai M, Hirano S, Nakata J, Motohashi H, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, Minegishi N, Nagasaki M, Takai-Igarashi T, Fuse N, Kiyomoto H, Sugawara J, Suzuki Y, Kure S, Yaegashi N, Tanabe O, Kinoshita K, Yasuda J, Yamamoto M*. The structural origin of metabolic quantitative diversity. Sci Rep 6, 31463, 2016.
- Mochizuki M, Tamai K, Imai T, Sugawara S, Ogama N, Nakamura M, Matsuura K, Yamaguchi K, Satoh K, Sato I, Motohashi H, Sugamura K, Tanaka N. CD271 regulates the proliferation and motility of hypopharyngeal cancer cells. Sci Rep 6, 30707, 2016.
- Saito T, Ichimura Y, Taguchi K, Suzuki T, Mizushima T, Takagi K, Hirose Y, Nagahashi M, Iso T, Fukutomi T, Ohishi M, Endo K, Uemura T, Nishito Y, Okuda S, Obata M, Kouno T, Imamura R, Tada Y, Obata R, Yasuda D, Takahashi K, Fujimura T, Pi J, Lee M-S, Ueno T, Ohe T, Mashino T, Wakai T, Kojima H, Okabe T, Nagano T, Motohashi H, Waguri S, Soga T, Yamamoto M, Tanaka K, and Komatsu M. p62/Sqstm1 promotes malignancy of HCV-positive hepatocellular carcinoma through Nrf2-dependent metabolic reprogramming. Nat Commun 7, 12030, 2016.
- Kobayashi EH, Suzuki T, Funayama R, Nagashima T, Hayashi M, Sekine H, Tanaka N, Moriguchi T, Motohashi H, Nakayama K, Yamamoto M. NRF2 suppresses macrophage inflammatory response by blocking proinflammatory cytokine transcription. Nat Commun 7, 11624, 2016.
- Honkura Y, Matsuo H*, Murakami S, Sakiyama M, Mizutari K, Shiotani A, Yamamoto M, Morita I, Shinomiya N, Kawase T, Katori Y, Motohashi H*. NRF2 is a key target for prevention of noise-induced hearing loss by reducing oxidative damage of cochlea. Sci Rep 6, 10329, 2016. (*corresponding authors)
- Ando R, Shima H, Tamahara T, Sato Y, Watanabe-Matsui M, Kato H, Sax N, Motohashi H, Taguchi K, Yamamoto M, Nio M, Maeda T, Ochiai K, Muto A, Igarashi K. The transcription factor Bach2 is phosphorylated at multiple sites in murine B cells but a single site prevents its nuclear localization. J Biol Chem 291, 1826-1840, 2016.
- Sekine H, Okazaki K, Ota N, Shima H, Katoh Y, Suzuki N, Igarashi K, Ito M, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. The Mediator subunit MED16 transduces NRF2-activating signals into antioxidant gene expression. Mol Cell Biol 36, 407-420, 2016. (*corresponding authors)
- Santoso A, Kikuchi T, Tode N, Hirano T, Komatsu R, Damayanti T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Kojima T, Uede T, Nukiwa T, Ichinose M. Syndecan 4 mediates Nrf2-dependent expansion of bronchiolar progenitors that protect against lung inflammation. Mol Therapy 24, 41-52, 2016.
- Ito A, Shimazu T, Maeda S, Shah AA, Tsunoda T, Iemura S, Natsume T, Suzuki T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Yoshida M. The subcellular localization and activity of cortactin is regulated by acetylation and interaction with Keap1. Sci Signal 8 (404), ra120, 2015.
- Hayashi M, Takai J, Yu L, Motohashi H, Moriguchi T, Yamamoto M. Whole-body in vivo monitoring of inflammatory diseases exploiting human interleukin 6-luciferase transgenic mice. Mol Cell Biol 35, 3590-3601, 2015.
- Ota C, Yamada M, Fujino N, Motohashi H, Tando Y, Takei Y, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Kamata S, Makiguchi T, Yamaya M, Kubo H. Histone deacetylase inhibitor restores surfactant protein-C expression in alveolar-epithelial type II cells and attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in vivo. Exp Lung Res 41, 422-434, 2015.
- Agrawal SA, Anand D, Siddam AD, Kakrana A, Dash S, Scheiblin DA, Dang CA, Terrell AM, Waters SM, Singh A, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Lachke SA. Compound mouse mutants of bZIP transcription factors Mafg and Mafk reveal a regulatory network of non-crystallin genes associated with cataract. Hum Genet 134, 717-735, 2015.
- Goto M, Kitamura H, Alam MM, Ota N, Haseba T, Akimoto T, Shimizu A, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H*. Alcohol dehydrogenase 3 contributes to the protection of liver from nonalcoholic steatophepatitis. Genes Cells 20, 464-480, 2015. (*corresponding author)
- de Aguiar Vallim TQ, Tarling EJ, Ahn H, Hagey LR, Romanoski CE, Lee RG, Graham MJ, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Edwards PA. MAFG Is a Transcriptional Repressor of Bile Acid Synthesis and Metabolism. Cell Metab 21, 298-310, 2015.
- Kanamori M*, Higa T, Sonoda Y, Murakami S, Dodo M, Kitamura H, Taguchi K, Shibata T, Watanabe M, Suzuki H, Shibahara I, Saito R, Yamashita Y, Kumabe T, Yamamoto M, Motohashi H*, Tominaga T. Activation of the NRF2 pathway and its impact on the prognosis of anaplastic glioma patients. Neuro-Oncology 17, 555-565, 2015. (*corresponding authors)
- Hirotsu Y, Higashi C, Fukutomi T, Katsuoka F, Tsujita T, Yagishita Y, Matsuyama Y, Motohashi H, Uruno A, Yamamoto M. Transcription factor NF-E2-related factor 1 impairs glucose metabolism in mice. Mol Cell Biol 19 (8), 650-665, 2014.
- Ida T, Sawa T, Ihara H, Tsuchiya Y, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Suematsu M, Motohashi H, Fujii S, Matsunaga T, Yamamoto M, Ono K, Devarie-Baez NO, XianM, Fukuto JM, Akaike T. Reactive cysteine persulfides and S-polythiolation regulate oxidative stress and redox signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 7606-7611, 2014.
- Shirasaki K, Taguchi K, Unno M, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. Nrf2 promotes compensatory liver hypertrophy after portal vein branch ligation in mice. Hepatology 59, 2371-2382, 2014. (*corresponding authors)
- Taguchi K, Hirano I, Itoh T, Tanaka M, Miyajima A, Suzuki A, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. Nrf2 enhances cholangiocyte expansion in Pten-deficient livers. Mol Cell Biol 34, 900-913, 2014. (* corresponding authors)
- Onodera Y, Motohashi H, Takagi K, Miki Y, Shibahara Y, Watanabe M, Ishida T, Hirakawa H, Sasano H, Yamamoto M, Suzuki T. NRF2 immunolocalization in human breat cancer patients as a prognostic factor. Endocri Relat Cancer 21, 241-252, 2014.
- Murakami S, Shimizu R, Romeo P-H, Yamamoto M*, Motohashi H*. Keap1-Nrf2 system regulates cell fate determination of hematopoietic stem cells. Genes Cells 19, 239-253, 2014. (* corresponding authors)
- Murakami S, Yamamoto M*, Motohashi H*. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell activation during chronic dermatitis provoked by constitutively active aryl-hydrocarbon receptor driven by Keratin14 promoter. Toxicol Sci 138, 47-58, 2014. (* corresponding authors)
- Hirano K, Kinoshita T, Uemura T, Motohashi H, Watanabe Y, Ebihara T, Nishiyama H, Sato M, Suga M, Maruyama Y, Tsuji NM, Yamamoto M, Nishida S, Sato C. Electron microscopy of primary cell cultures in solution and correlative optical microscopy using ASEM. Ultramicroscopy, pii:S0304-3991(13)00285-4, 2013.
- Ichimura Y, Waguri S, Sou YS, Kageyama S, Hasegawa J, Ishimura R, Saito T, Yang Y, Kouno T, Fukutomi T, Hoshii T, Hirao A, Takagi K, Mizushima T, Motohashi H, Lee MS, Yoshimori T, Tanaka K, Yamamoto M, Komatsu M. Phosphorylation of p62 activates the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway during selective autophagy. Mol Cell 51, 618-631, 2013.
- Okita Y, Kamoshida A, Suzuki H, Itoh K, Motohashi M, Igarashi K, Ogami T, Koinuma D, Kato M. Transforming growth factor-b induces transcription factors MafK and Bach1 to suppress expression of the heme oxygenase-1 gene. J Biol Chem 288, 20658-20667, 2013.
- Fujita R, Takayama-Tsujimoto M, Satoh H, Gutierrez L, Aburatani H, Fujii S, Sarai A, Bresnick EH, Yamamoto M*, Motohashi H*. NF-E2 p45 is important for establishing normal function of platelets. Mol Cell Biol 33, 2659-2670, 2013. (* corresponding authors)
- Suzuki T, Shibata T, Takaya K, Shiraishi K, Kohno T, Kunitoh H, Tsuta K,Furuta K, Goto K, Hosoda F, Sakamoto H, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M. Regulatory nexus of synthesis and degradation deciphers cellular Nrf2 expression levels. Mol Cell Biol 33, 2402-2412, 2013.
- Suzuki M, Yamazaki H, Mukai HY, Motohashi H, Shi L, Tanabe O, Engel JD, Yamamoto M. Disruption of the Hbsl1-Myb locus causes hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin in mouse. Mol Cell Biol 33, 1687-1695, 2012.
- Taguchi K, Fujikawa N, Komatsu M, Ishii T, Unno M, Akaike T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M. Keap1 degradation by autophagy for the maintenance of redox homeostasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 13561-13566, 2012.
- Takaya K, Suzuki T, Motohashi H, Onodera K, Satomi S, Kensler TW, Yamamoto M. Validation of the multiple sensor mechanism of the Keap1-Nrf2 system. Free Rad Biol Med 53, 817-827, 2012.
- Nishida M, Sawa T, Kitajima N, Ono K, Inoue H, Ihara H, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Suematsu M, Kurose H, van der Vliet A, Freeman B, Shibata T, Ucnida K, Kumagai Y, Akaike T. Hydrogen sulfide anion regulates redox signaling via electrophile sulfation. Nat Chem Biol 8, 714-724, 2012.
- Mitsuishi Y, Taguchi K, Kawatani Y, Shibata T, Nukiwa T, Aburatani H, Yamamoto M*, Motohashi H*. Nrf2 redirects glucose and glutamine into anabolic pathways in metabolic reprogramming. Cancer Cell 22, 66-79, 2012. (* corresponding authors)
- Inoue D, Suzuki T, Mitsuishi Y, Miki Y, Suzuki S, Sugawara S, Watanabe M, Sakudara A, Endo C, Uruno A, Sasano H, Nakagawa T, Satoh K, Tanaka N, Kubo H, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. Accumulation of p62/SQSTM1 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci 103,760-766, 2012. (* corresponding authors)
- Inoue D, Kubo H, Taguchi K, Suzuki T, Komatsu M, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. Inducible disruption of autophagy in the lung causes airway hyper-responsiveness. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 405, 13-18, 2011. (* corresponding authors)
- Motohashi H*, Fujita R, Takayama M, Inoue A, Katsuoka F, Bresnick EH, Yamamoto M. Molecular determinants for small Maf protein control of platelet production. Mol Cell Biol 31, 151-162, 2011. (* corresponding author)
- Fujii S, Sawa T, Ihara H, Tong KI, Ida T, Okamoto T, Ahtesham AK, Ishima Y, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Akaike T. The critical role of nitric oxide signalling, via protein S-guanylation and nitrated cyclic GMP, in the antioxidant adaptive response. J Biol Chem 285, 23970-23984, 2010.
- Taguchi K, Maher JM, Suzuki T, Kawatani Y, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M. Genetic analysis of cytoprotective functions supported by graded expression of Keap1. Mol Cell Biol 30, 3016-3026, 2010.
- Takayama M, Fujita R, Suzuki M, Okuyama R, Aiba S, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. Genetic analysis of hierarchical regulation for Gata1 and NF-E2 p45 gene expression in megakaryopoiesis. Mol Cell Biol 30, 2668-2680, 2010. (* corresponding authors)
- Komatsu M, Kurokawa H, Waguri S, Taguchi K, Kobayashi A, Ichimura Y, Sou YS, Ueno I, Sakamoto A, Tong KI, Kim M, Nishito Y, Iemura S, Natsume T, Ueno T, Kominami E, Motohashi H, Tanaka K, Yamamoto M. The selective autophagy substrate p62 activates the stress response transcription factor Nrf2 through inactivation of Keap1. Nat Cell Biol 12, 213-223, 2010.
- Motohashi H*, Kimura M, Fujita R, Inoue A, Pan X, Takayama M, Katsuoka F, Aburatani H, Bresnick EH, Yamamoto M. NF-E2 domination over Nrf2 promotes ROS accumulation and megakaryocytic maturation. Blood 115, 677-686, 2010. (* corresponding author)
- Barayeu U, Sawa T, Nishida M, Wei FY, Motohashi H, Akaike T. Supersulfide
biology and translational medicine for disease control. Br J Pharmacol,
Epub ahead of print, 2023.
- Murakami S, Kusano Y, Okazaki K, Akaike T, Motohashi H. NRF2 signalling in cytoprotection and metabolism. Br J Pharmacol, Epub ahead of print, 2023
- 草野佑典, 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ.エネルギー代謝におけるKEAP1-NRF2制御系と硫黄代謝の役割.化学と生物61 (4), 188-195, 2023.
- 本橋ほづみ.環境化学物質に対する生体応答を担う転写制御.特集「環境科学物質と生体応答」Medical Science Digest 49 (1), 677-680, 2023.
- 成恩圭, 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ.NRF2活性化による抗老化作用に関わる分子機構.特集「抗老化医療の、未来をさぐる:哺乳類における老化・寿命制御の理解とその社会実装」 老年医学 61(1), 55-61, 2023.
- 成恩圭, 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ.NRF2によるミトコンドリア機能制御.特集「ミトコンドリア病―病態解明を基盤とした治療薬開発」 医学のあゆみ 281(12), 1162-1167, 2022.
- Kitamura H, Takeda H, Motohashi H. Genetic, metabolic and immunological features of cancers with NRF2 addiction. FEBS Letters 596, 1981-1993, 2022.
- Iwaki H, Motohashi H. Intestinal Redox Regulation and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. “Pharmacological modulation of oxidative stress” Edited by Saso et al. Elsevier. 2022.
- 本橋ほづみ.がんと代謝.新臨床腫瘍学 改訂第6版.南江堂 2022.
総説 (2021年)
- 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ. 老化関連脳疾患におけるNRF2活性化作用. 「老化と慢性炎症」別冊Bio Clinica 慢性炎症と疾患10(2), 10-14, 2021.
- 本橋ほづみ. NRF2によるストレス応答と硫黄代謝制御.生化学「特集:生命を支える超硫黄分子の代謝と革新的な計測技術」93 (5), 674-683, 2021.
- 本橋ほづみ、赤池孝章. 緒言 生命を支える超硫黄分子の代謝と革新的な計測技術. 生化学「特集:生命を支える超硫黄分子の代謝と革新的な計測技術」93 (5), 593-595, 2021.
- 本橋ほづみ. 今知りたい!!硫黄生物学―みえてきた細胞内での役割「生物進化における硫黄代謝と硫黄生物学の新たな展開」. 実験医学 39 (13), 2097-2100, 2021.
- 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ. 個体の老化とKEAP1-NRF2系制御. 特集「老化・加齢疾患研究を俯瞰し、健康長寿社会実現の夢を開く」. Geriatric Medicine (老年医学) 59(7), 665-670, 2021.
- Takata T, Jung M, Matsunaga T, Ida T, Morita M, Motohashi H, Shen X, Kevil CG, Fukuto JM, Akaike T. Methods in sulfide and persulfide research. Nitric Oxide 14, 116:47-64, 2021.
- Sawa T, Takata T, Matsunaga T, Ihara H, Motohashi H, Akaike T. Chemical Biology of Reactive Sulfur Species: Hydrolysis-Driven Equilibrium of Polysulfides as a Determinant of Physiological Functions. Antioxid Redox Signal, 2021.
- Sekine H, Motohashi H. Roles of CNC transcription factors NRF1 and NRF2 in cancer. Cancers 13, 541, 2021.
総説 (2020年)
- 岸野明洋, 村上昌平, 赤池孝章, 本橋ほづみ. がんの代謝研究から:新たな創薬標的の可能性. 医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス 51(11), 576-584, 2020.
- 岡崎慶斗, 本橋ほづみ. がん細胞の代謝を標的とする治療戦略の可能性. 実験医学 増刊号 38 (15) , 2469-2475, 2020.
- Sawa T, Motohashi H, Ihara H, Akaike T*. Enzymatic regulation and biological functions of reactive cysteine persulfides and polysulfides. Biomolecules 10, E1245, 2020.
- 関根弘樹, 本橋ほづみ. がん細胞の代謝とCNC転写因子MRF1, NRF2. 医学のあゆみ別冊, 53-59, 2020.
- 松丸大輔, 本橋ほづみ. KEAP1-NRF2系制御による健康長寿. 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科 50(3), 190-196, 2020.
- Okazaki K, Papagiannakopoulos T, Motohashi H*. Metabolic features of cancer cells in NRF2 addiction status. Biophys Rev 12, 435-441, 2020.
- Matsumaru D, Motohashi H. From germ cells to neonates: the beginning of life and the KEAP1-NRF2 system. J Biochem 167(2), 133-138, 2020.
総説 (2019年)
- 関根弘樹, 本橋ほづみ. がん細胞の代謝とCNC転写因子MRF1, NRF2. 医学のあゆみ 270(5), 429-435, 2019.
- 本橋ほづみ. KEAP1-NRF2制御系によるストレス応答とイオウ代謝. 実験医学 37(12), 1999-2004, 2019.
- Motohashi H, Akaike T. Sulfur-utilizing cytoprotection and energy metabolism. Curr Opin Physhiol 9, 1-8, 2019.
- 安藤正勝, 本橋ほづみ. KEAP1-NRF2制御系による代謝制御と炎症応答. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科 72(1), 7-13, 2019.
- 西村明, 本橋ほづみ, 赤池孝章. 活性イオウによる生体防御とエネルギー代謝. 細胞 51(8), 4-7, 2019.
- Fujii S, Sawa T, Motohashi H, Akaike T. Persulfide synthases that are functionally coupled with translation mediate sulfur respiration in mammalian cells. Br J Pharmacol 176(4), 607-615, 2019.
総説 (2018年)
- 大野木孝嘉, 本橋ほづみ. レドックス制御を担う転写制御機構と抗老化作用. 化学工業 69(11), 817-823, 2018.
- Sekine H, Yammaoto M, Motohashi H. Tumors sweeten macrophages with acids. Nat Immunol 19, 1281-1283, 2018.
- Yamamoto M, Kensler TW, Motohashi H. The Keap1-Nrf2 System: a Thiol-BasedSensor-Effecotr Apparatus for Maintaining Redox Homeostasis. Physiol Rev 98, 1169-1203, 2018.
- Kitamura H, Motohashi H. NRF2 addiction in cancer cells. Cancer Sci 109, 900-911, 2018.
- 北村大志, 本橋ほづみ. NRF2依存性難治がんの成立機構とその特性. 実験医学 36(5), 809-814, 2018.
- 本橋ほづみ, 赤池孝章, 内田浩二, 末松誠. レドックス疾患学:レドックス制御の破綻による病態と新たな疾患概念. 実験医学 36(5), 642-648, 2018.
総説 (2017年)
- 本橋ほづみ. KEAP1-NRF2制御系による酸化ストレス応答と抗老化作用. 実験医学 35 (20), 3369-3373, 2017.
- 鈴木琢磨, 本橋ほづみ. 環境応答の転写制御シグナル―KEAP1-NRF2制御系―. 最新医学 72 (5), 703-709, 2017.
総説 (2015年)
- Murakami S, Motohashi H*. Roles of NRF2 in cell proliferation and differentiation. Free Rad Biol Med 88, 168-178, 2015. (*corresponding author)
- 関根弘樹, 本橋ほづみ. NRF2による転写制御機構と細胞の分化・増殖・がん化における貢献.医学のあゆみ 別冊 レドックスUPDATE. 2015.
- 本橋ほづみ. 巨核球分化と遺伝子発現・調節. Thrombosis Medicine 5(2), 113-118, 2015.
- Anand D, Kakrana A, Agrawal S, Siddam A, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Lachke SA. An integrative approach to analyze microarray datasets for prioritization of genes relevant to lens biology and diseases. Genom Data 5, 223-227, 2015.
- 光石陽一郎, 本橋ほづみ. 非小細胞肺癌におけるKeap1-Nrf2システム. Annual Review 2015 呼吸器, 119-126, 2015.
総説 (2014年)
- 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ. Keap1-Nrf2制御系と疾患の治療戦略. 細胞工学 33, 728-733, 2014.
- 北村大志, 本橋ほづみ. Keap1-Nrf2経路の遺伝子変異とがん代謝. 実験医学 32, 1955-1960, 2014.
- 本橋ほづみ. 酸化ストレス応答転写因子Nrf2による代謝制御と細胞増殖. 生化学 86, 269-273, 2014.
- 佐藤主税, 渡邊要平, 丸山雄介, 佐藤真理, 山本雅之, 辻典子, 本橋ほづみ. 巨核球による血小板産生と樹状細胞による細菌貪食の液中電顕観察. 顕微鏡 49(1), 14-17, 2014.
総説 (2013年)
- 森口尚, 本橋ほづみ, 山本雅之. 環境応答破綻がもたらす炎症の慢性化機構. Bio Clinica 28(12), 12-13, 2013.
- 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ. がん細胞におけるKeap1-Nrf2制御系の機能と役割. 医学のあゆみ 247, 811-818, 2013.
- Suzuki T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M*. Toward clinical application of the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway. Trends Pharmacol Sci 34, 340-346, 2013.
総説 (2012年)
- 藤田理恵, 本橋ほづみ, 山本雅之. 巨核球分化・血小板産生制御に貢献する転写調節機構. 日本血栓止血学会誌 23, 539-543, 2012.
- Mitsuishi Y, Motohashi H*, Yamamoto M*. The Keap1-Nrf2 system in cancers: Stress response and anabolic metabolism. Front Oncol 2, Article 200, 2012. (* corresponding authors)
- 田口恵子, 本橋ほづみ. 代謝リプログラミングにおける酸化ストレス応答機構の役割. 実験医学 30, 2814-2821, 2012.
- 光石陽一郎, 本橋ほづみ. がん細胞におけるKeap1-Nrf2システムの破綻. 実験医学 30, 2437-2442, 2012.
- 村上昌平, 本橋ほづみ. 酸化ストレスシグナルとKeap1-Nrf2システムの役割. 細胞工学 31, 144-149, 2012.
総説 (2011年)
- Uruno A, Motohashi H*. The Keap1-Nrf2 system as an in vivo sensor for electrophiles. Nitric Oxide 25, 153-160, 2011. (* corresponding author)
- Taguchi K, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M. Molecular mechanisms of the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway in stress response and cancer evolution. Genes Cells 16, 123-140, 2011.
総説 (2010年)
- Motohashi H, Igarashi K. MafB as a type I interferon rheostat. Nat Immunol 11, 695-696, 2010. (* corresponding authors)
- 井上大輔, 本橋ほづみ, 山本雅之. 酸化ストレスと呼吸器疾患. 分子呼吸病 14(1), 6-7, 2010.